How we can help

  • ADHD

    Do you struggle with poor attention, hyperactivity, and or impulsivity? Neurofeedback can help you to be more alert and focused, or slow down your racing mind, so you can organise yourself and your life.

  • Anxiety and depression

    Racing thoughts, nervous, and worrying all the time? Low mood and energy, no motivation? Neurofeedback can calm your anxiety, or activate you to get moving and improve your life.

  • Trauma

    Trauma can put the nervous system into a state of chronic overarousal (emotion dysregulation, anxiety, hypervigilance) or chronic underarousal (shut down, numb, depressed). Neurofeedback can help calm the nervous system and move your mind and body into a state of safety.

  • Brain injury

    Are you suffering from emotional or cognitive difficulties after a brain injury or concussion? Neurofeedback can help improve your focus, memory, sleep, and emotion regulation so you can feel more like yourself again.

  • Pain and fatigue

    The brain is designed to protect us from danger. But sometimes it gets too good at this and becomes oversensitised to signs of pain and illness even after we are fully recovered. Neurofeedback can help regulate an overactive nervous system to reduce the perception of pain and fatigue.

  • Peak performance

    Want to be the best at what you do? Improve your concentration, sleep, creativity, productivity and/or stress resilience with neurofeedback.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.